With our primary regions marked out, its time to add something little more than just plain color.
Go ahead and map your shading network in the Hypershade by selecting the Upstream/Downstream button found near the top of the window.
Create a new Solid Fractal by clicking the thumbnail in the Create Maya Nodes window under the 3D textures menu.
This should have made a new node in your Work Area.
In the Work Area, double-click your new fractal [not it's placement node, but the fractal itself] to open up it's properties in the Attribute Editor.
First off, name your fractal cap_color.
Go down to the Color Balance section in the editor and add a very dark, saturated reddish brown. In the Color Gain give it a slightly less saturated light tan.
I used a HSV value of 40/.5/.9 for the Gain and 350/.95/.15 for the Offset if you want to use those to block in your colors, but feel free to mix it up a bit - it is your mushshroom after all.
Now back in the Hypershade, pull up the attributes for shroom_color ramp.
Select your blue color swatch [carefully click the color dot on the left, but be aware that they are easy to move out of place] to make it the portion of your ramp that is in focus.
With the middle mouse button held down, drag the cap_color node from the Hypershade and drop it on top of the color channel of your shroom_color in the Attribute Editor.
Go ahead and make a new texture node like we just did for the cap, only this time use a Crater [from the 3D Textures menu] with three very light yellowish colors.
Name it stem_color and drop it into the red channel of your ramp.
A Crater works by blending between two primary colors and using a third as a transition. Channel 1 acts as a spot, 2 as the transition and 3 as a base. Playing with the Melt, Balance and Frequency can yield some very interesting results.
A quick render should give you a little treat like this.
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